Sparks Of Disillusion
October 27'th, 2022
This artwork was featured on the label design of one of my Hopsylvania beers and draws heavy inspiration from the Celtic mythology of Samhain. During this liminal festival, the boundary between our world and the Otherworld thins, and the Aos Sí (spirits or fairies) are said to more easily cross over. Legends tell of Aillén the Burner, a fiery being who rises from the Underworld every year around Samhain to terrorize people, but also of three werewolves who are said to emerge from a cave every year around the same time to kill livestock. Both the fire-breather and werewolves are said to have been slain by a magical spear.
This illustration © 2022 by Radu Luchian is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0